Thursday, April 10, 2008

Life after Divorce - Will I Ever Love Again?

The end of a relationship is always tough whether or not it was your decision to end it. You may need to work through some of the following emotions:


The person who has been left often experiences feelings of rejection. This can lead to being over critical about yourself - 'what did I do wrong?' 'What do I need to change?


If you chose to end the relationship the chances are you are feeling guilty about hurting the person you love or used to love. However, it is sometimes appropriate to end a relationship because it is destructive to one or both partners.


It is natural to have some fear about venturing out on your own after being part of a couple. The first step is to face those fears - make a list of them and tackle them one at a time.


It is also natural to have some anger towards your ex and/or about your situation. However, whether this is good or bad depends on how you express that anger. Venting your anger directly at your ex is not helpful.


The end of a long-term relationship can be cause for grief but this is often not understood by people who have not been through it. Common symptoms of grief are feeling emotionally drained, not sleeping, pushing friends away if they get too close, lack of appetite, rapid mood changes and frequently sighing.

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